Animal mediation with people affected by cancer: what benefits?
An interview with Candice NEUVILLE on DECEMBER 14 at 7 pm (Paris time)
Candice Neuville (c) Radio France / Nelly Sorbier
Candice is a health executive in an oncology department and then in a nursing training institute. Trained at the French Institute of Zootherapy as an animal mediator, she conducts equine mediation sessions with people affected by cancer with her structure, Animal'Aide.
Her dog, Iouky, is certified as a "mediation dog" and has a veterinary certificate proving his ability to bring a lot, without judgment, and with all his affection. He can work in a hospital or outside. He is vaccinated and dewormed as required to be close to a public whose health can be fragile.
His horse, Fraile V, is a real "mirror" for humans. In a free or lunging session, he will help you to find the strength within you to face the trials of life. A hygiene protocol is respected and the well-being of the animals is taken into account.
"As a health executive in an oncology department and then in a nursing training institute, I wanted to study the benefits of animal mediation for people with cancer. Trained at the IFZ (French Institute of Animal Therapy), I perform animal mediation sessions with my dog, a 6 year old golden retriever: Iouky, and then with horses. My dog received his certificate of mediation dog after a series of tests proving that he is perfectly capable of helping humans without any aggressiveness, a look full of love and above all non-judgmental! It is in this non-judgmental way that people wounded by life appreciate the animal presence.
In Montélimar, we are fortunate to have the second Resource Center in France. This center offers to people affected by cancer and to their entourage, a wellness axis: sophrology, foot reflexology, meditation, art therapy, micro nutrition... I thank the team of this center for allowing me to carry out a small study on the benefits of animal mediation with their beneficiaries.
Candice Neuville - Animal'aide
26780 Espeluche / 26160 La bégude de mazenc
Website :
Find Candice on Radio France HERE
Candice also intervenes at the Resource Center of Montélimar
The Resource Center of Montélimar is a center for people affected by cancer as well as their close relatives. It is open to everyone, men, women, teenagers and children, at any time during the illness, within 5 years after the diagnosis.
In addition to health care, it offers a wellness and therapeutic support program.
CONTACT Centre Ressource Montélimar
7 avenue du Meyrol 26200 MONTELIMAR