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Focus on Yannique BOURGLAN

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

We are pleased to welcome YANNIQUE Nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir YANNIQUE BOURGLAN pour le Sommet en ligne CHEVAUX MEDIATEURS, CHEVAUX GUERISSEURS, du 14 au 16 DECEMBRE 2022.

annique is a specialized educator, a professional musician, and a riding instructor specialized in equine mediation.

She is the director of EQUI - M, an association born from the meeting of equine professionals, health professionals, medical and social professionals and artists who are themselves often parents or relatives of children in difficult situations. Their experiences led them to join forces to propose meetings between caregivers and patients with a therapeutic and integrative aim, within adapted equestrian activities.

During the interview, conducted by Sylvain GILLIER, Yannique tells us about the actions of the association EQUI M, with three actions of care:

Equitherapy and hippotherapy: to find through the animal approach the softness, the affection, the positioning, the carrying and the spontaneous expression.

Adapted horseback riding: because equestrian technique is not forgotten but must be accessible to all so that everyone can realize their dreams.

and many workshops: Equicoaching: to discover the horse as a revealing, facilitating personal or professional development. Equi Art: to bring out what is buried in each person and because beauty gives rise to well-being and sharing.

Yannique and her team are creating evaluation tools and multimodal therapeutic methods for so-called "dys" people.

Photos (c) EQUI-M et Y Bourglan.


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