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Focus on Sophie PEIGNIER, horse therapist, president of the SIPME, nurse

Sophie is an equithérapeute (trained in 2010 - Société Française d'Equithérapie), specialized in carriage driving and ethological horse breaking, and a nurse, specializing in comprehensive care for people and their environment (cancer, palliative care, psychiatry).

She provides equitherapy training for professionals, associations and companions, and volunteers as President of the Syndicat Interprofessionnel des Praticiens en Médiation Equine (SIPME).

Sophie will be taking part in the online summit next December on the theme :

When the horse helps us in the process of adolescence

In her talk, she tackles subjects such as the formation of the individual, always unfinished, always linked to other individuals, always social (as well as psychic), the process of adolescence as a period of transition where emotional and affective balances are upset, and in general the processes of empowerment and adaptation facilitated by the horse.

Trained as a nurse, I was first attracted by the action and adventure of my internships and first jobs (fire department, emergency, bush dispensary, samu social...). Then, as a multi-skilled nurse, I looked for services where the person's care was global, taking into account the environment and those close to the person (oncology medicine, palliative care, hospitalization at home). Finally, I have accompanied and monitored children, teenagers and adults in psychiatric and ITEP care services. There, I was able to develop projects in multidisciplinary teams, and participate in family and systemic therapies.

I accompany children, teenagers and adults in horse-mediated sessions to help them get to know themselves better, or for therapeutic purposes.

I offer individual or small-group equitherapy and adapted carriage driving sessions based on demand, with an individualized project. This activity is offered to people with psychological or mental difficulties and/or psychomotor disorders, or those seeking to improve their well-being and develop their interpersonal and physical skills.

I am committed to situating and questioning my support within the patient's care pathway, but also more broadly within his or her life pathway, in order to make him or her a player in his or her own health and life. Dynamic and a driving force in teamwork, I'm concerned with the continuity of care and the coherence of the different players involved in care and the transition to rehabilitation and (re)integration.

Horses met me at a very young age and have never let me go. After a classical training as a rider and a few show jumping competitions, I explored all outdoor riding disciplines (rando, trec, western). As a horse owner, I educate, break and work my horses in partnership with them.

I have been trained in equitherapy (SFE in 2010, and carriage driving (MATE and ethological horse breaking 2019, I have signed a charter of ethics and deontology for my equine mediation practice. I run training courses for companions and associations. I am a trainer for the Institut de Formation en Equithérapie (IFEq, I'm involved in developing the industry and networking as president of SIPME (




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